Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Working on a Rally

I'm working on not getting into the emotion of it... To be honest, The fed cut, My Bowels dropped out of my body.. I Mounted up and went out and got a beer and some wings... I try not to be an emotional eater... But shit!!!!
I didn't even wait for the market to close. Nor am I clear of my short. *showing even more Balls* and literally has my ass so fucking tight...

But, I'm just not sure, and I'm trying not to react to my emotions. and work on rational moves. Worst thing would be to be "On the Ropes" and emotionally chasing every move for the next week, and lose even more money....
The good move is gold, but on a market pullback

or copper platinum mining.

I want to hear some bad news before the open today. I'll come up with a good stop today

do some research on fed moves and the stock market.

Futures are pulling back. 44 an hour ago, 41 a half hour ago, and 36 a bit ago.
S&p was up 6 and is now up 3...
Just a little bad news and we will hopefully see some profit taking... which can turn into fear.

more on the Fed. and probably my thoughts on inflation later.

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