Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Morning Coffee, Thesis and Projected targets.

S&P1440... CRAZY!!! I know.

Realize though that once we hit 1451.5 we will see Huge panic sales as people try and maintain their gains from the fed jump.

There is no support from 1450 to 1480, because no one purchased there. We blew through it... Now there will be support 1480-1460 and we may even get a bound today.

This is all unprecedented, the dollar is at a historic lows....

housing hasn't fallen in price since 1950

So a huge reverse here isn't...... this could scare the shit out of people....

But... the curbs will slow us down. when the curbs which used to slow us at 20% now slow us at 4%... it will take 2 days unless within an hour we are hitting them this morning.

Also We could easily bounce off 1480 for a day or so... up to 1490.

I'm praying to god that Uncle ben can overt a huge early 1970's move or a 1929 type move.

Unprecedented moves are Presented.

Just heard a technision verify my call. 60 pt pull back then 1620 or 1640.... that is a pull back to 1470... I'm saying 40 more pts. than that... We will be so into "The Knife" that a good stop will get me out where ever...

This is crazy... Let's get that coffee.

I'm thinking I'll play a gold miner into the comming rally.

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