Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Killing it today:

Basic materials.

URZ- 3.54 +0.34 (10.62%)
Uranerz Energy Corporation (Uranerz) is an exploration-stage company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and if warranted, development of uranium properties. The Company owns interests in properties in Wyoming, United States of America; Saskatchewan, Canada, and Mongolia. Uranerz has entered into joint venture agreements for each of its Saskatchewan and Mongolia properties, whereby the joint venture partner for each property can earn an ownership interest in the property. The Company has also joint ventured its uranium projects in the Great Divide Basin area of Wyoming. As of January 9, 2006, Uranerz owns one subsidiary, which is a Mongolian limited liability company with the name Rolling Hills Resources, LLC. The Company’s Mongolian exploration licenses are held in the name of its subsidiary company

URRE 8.18 +0.71 (9.50%)
Uranium Resources, Inc. (URI) is primarily engaged in the business of acquiring, exploring, developing and mining uranium properties using the in situ recovery (ISR) or solution mining process. As of March 30, 2006, URI owned producing and undeveloped uranium properties in South Texas and undeveloped uranium properties in New Mexico. In South Texas, the Company's properties are Kingsville Dome, Rosita and Vasquez. In New Mexico, its properties are Churchrock, Crownpoint, Nose Rock, West Largo and Roca Honda.

BGC 61.83 +4.81 (8.44%) General Cable Corp

MDM 4.76 +0.33 (7.45%) Mountain Province

Augusta Resource Corp. AZC 2.27 +0.15 (7.08%)

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