Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

*&#E*#%()( #(#@@ *$%$

Shit fuck .......*#%R(#

So, I'm GD Even Now........... Best damn trade I've had in a month............ Now I'm even...... I want to take a baseball bat to my desk....

got jerked around all day with some Trailer trash moron who thinks I can do a job for $50.... I have to call some other asshole right now and tell him, No on his job.......

Have I pissed Nails yet... Worst Jobs numbers in 4 years, and all we do is lightly test the 2 week Lows...... We should have scraped our nuts on them at least.........

Have to explain to some asshole why I don't want to do his job....

Cause I don't work for free asshole.

Listen assholes Helicopter ben is going to move to neutral, and cut the discount rate.....

and we are just going to trade to new highs in gold and on the DJIA and the S&P..... Cause Everything is fine..........

Can you tell I need some sleep......

7pm I've been at it since 2am.....

WTF do I have to call somone and tell them I'm not doing a job, I didn't agree to do.

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