we were looking at this today. I told tony, that this needed to start breaking down today if it's going to. I also wanted to point out the upside target.
Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.
J. P. Morgan
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
A quick Chart
Here is your chart
It's doesn't look as simple as one may think.... if you see the pattern...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
We had a wind
There was a wind that blew in today, kept me off the bike.
I'll quote my "TALK" comment:So... he says we are going up (now) and there will be a Down Trend (now and summer).
"I'd say the cataclysm occurred already---- in 2008;
so the next phase is a prolonged trend up (now)... followed by a prolonged trend down (starting between now and summer)
Looking for crash is fighting the last war."
So I think the trend is lower, but gradual. But who really knows. If the NFP is > 200K, then we could easily reach 1200.
By blog traffic.
Here it is again
It was good stuff this morning... unless you can't read this.
I did something I never do, Puked some things into the Volcano... Some Virgins so to speak. The Plan was to pick up those treasuries and see how "Window Dressing went"
Big news
The Cern Large Hadron Collider, Looks like it is "Fully Operational" and ready to link into Sky net and blow up the world at any moment.(joke)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
So What - Jonh Coltrane and Miles Davis
Again, this is off "Kind of blue"
Other versions of the album, are on the slightly older posts.
5am... Exhausted
None of these 20 things has happened. So... We are waiting for some of this to happen, to mark a top.
Doug is kind of a joker. Don't take it literally. Funny joke Doug
If you notice none of those things have happened, Therefor Doug is bullish. Which is 20. Doug is bullish, this marks a top.
If Doug is bullish, he posted that to indicate it, in his Snarky way. But this makes him Bearish, So he isn't Really Bullish. Yet again He is calling Top. He could be Right, he could be wrong. But honestly, it's a Crap shoot. At this point it's over-thinking it. But Certainly Even Doug, isn't denying the Strength of what is going on in sentiment. If you are looking for him to get Bullish.... That isn't it.Some other notes.
Friday, March 26, 2010
How about some Friday Action
Another week in the books
I don't know about you... but I want to puke once the week is over.

just some fast chart talk... don't be surprised if this is the first downswing... and now we "Retest" an upswing.
I'm tired... Long... Unfun week
lots of stress, some great trading... Cleared most of my day trades...
What I don't like right now...
At the close.... There felt like there was a ton of "Dumb Shit" going on.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I had to pull some off at the close... to keep the bills paid.... And because I work my ass off, and have to make money as I make it.
- I heard something about bill gross and healthcare and deficits
- Things seemed to revolve around treasuries.
- Something about the ECB and Trichet and Greece
- Trish was on MSNBC talking about Dollar Armageddon, because of... You guessed it Bearish Treasuries... I picked them up because I figured... it's low Beta, and it feels like the "Be Massively short Treasuries" MEME. She has been smoking the Shit Coming out of Kudlow's ass for too long.... But yes, higher rates are bad.... Now I would think we could price that in... or would have by now.... but you know that crazy market.
My broker about shit
When I called up and asked about Actually buying treasuries.... I told him it was a trade... but I just hate all this derivative nonsense.
I hate that I'm sitting her... You know I could .... have not had the distraction of the market... and be done for the day...
One of the great Ironies in the market is Zero Hedge... It's like what some moron, Financial guy would draw from that Book..... Who was Gay for Brad Pit!
THIS continues to make me cautious.... ON BOTH SIDES of the trade...
Having fun!!!!
Seems to me like Doug Kass has shut up. I'd still love for him to panic....
When Last We Checked in with our Super Hero's...
I was talking to tony last night, and he didn't take me literally when I said "I don't know what you are going to do"... and I sort of tried to explain some trades,yesterday and they all worked out.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
In love with the black keys today
Need a new love - I'm ready
Want my time - I'm willin' yeah
Cus I'm the one who's gonna show when there's nobody
I'll be your man - Yeah I'll be your man
Times gets tough, oh they get tougher
Hold on to me - I got you darling
Cus I'm the one who's gonna show when there's nobody
I'll be your man x2
River is deep - Yeah I'm swimming
Mountain is high - I'm gonna climb, climb, climb
Yeah I'm the one who's gonna show when there's nobody
I'll be your man x4
I do 2-3 weeks of workouts, then I get a week off.... "Sort of" But... all that energy, has to go somewhere.... So, Work.... etc.... being excited about The black Keys.
Sentiment wise... what you want is for them to be saying "if only it gets back there" I'll sell.
like it will muddle sort of maybe... the rest of the day....
Number one concern
this is my concern.... this is the puzzle piece that may not fit. or that.... doesn't fit yet.
we had ..
failure of the retest... then a new low.
here is
I mentioned the "Typical Pull back".... Ok!!!
This time, Jim Cramer gets healthcare wrong
The "Mad Money" host said that if healthcare passed, stocks would tumble. Instead, the market hit a 17-month high
Like I've said, I can't stand CNBC.... I've had a few weeks of it.... and it's either get in a bell tower, or Get back to work...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
So I'm sitting here
looks like doug hasn't given up... but he got quite after the rally started...
I'm just letting you know, First ... I hate you...

Now here is the deal, the market normaly pulls back from the Retest of top. so a little retrace back to that green arrow, is perfectly normal in and advancing market.
- The market could run through Quarter End
- The Market could run through the beginning of earnings.
this is the stuff I just don't have time for....
Over it!!
I'm sort of over it today...
Health care bill passes, but market shrugs it off
Monday, March 22, 2010 - InsideFuturesby Carley Garner of DeCarley TradingHealth care bill passes, but market shrugs it of
Monday, March 22, 2010
I honestly, am very sick of blogging this... It's like I'm Don Quixote...
The Siren song
It still seems very much like the sirens still have them...
I'm very much trying to recover from the last few weeks.
The Breakout
This is a 15 day chart I think of the SPY... This is the breakout trade...
working on the close
It's impossible to know.. I'm not watching the idiot box.
Most these lines are useless btw
Residue from a former .... Mojo...
I had to puke a little into the futures.
Seems like ... they ... aren't convinced yet... Subtle Maybe overt warning...
On the other hand
It sounds like there was a huge drama going on, over the bill, I tried to watch the news coverage, but my brain still needed a Reset from the past week.
Morning Joe
BTW Morning Joe is twice the show Squawk Box is. If I do watch in the morning, I know exactly the Bullshit Squawk is full of....
Sunday, March 21, 2010
More Notes
... I have no idea where you ..... Sit .... Dear Blog...
ok... market talk
that is the breakout point.... and they have to buy it.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hannity is under attack
... I'm surprised there actually seem to be some "Real Patriots" on the right. Who have decided to stand up to what is just an attempt for Hannity to increase his Brand, and Create a "PR" stunt for himself.
In what seems to be just a Marketing campaign and not a charity.
I am not looking forward to the finally of my second training block
... This weekend I need to finish my second training block of the year, It hasn't been an easy one, and not because of training, but because of..... You know... Life!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
reading back
I was reading back....
It's morning, I just need to clarify.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
post market
Fun day.
Apparently there is a rumor
that the fomc... is going to raise rates... seems like the market is being crazy
Time to clean up ... The party is over
It's time to start shorting stregnth.... Trish and Kudlow have doen the fucking... and it's all about the Kuddling.... followed by the... anger and the bitterness....
MEME Tracker
We have been tracking this Trade War MEME
"If the yuan rises, these companies will face the immediate risk of going bust as their profit margin is already very narrow," Zhang told a news conference. "So for these companies, the consequences would be disastrous."
I don't know anything about economics... but that is the point.... Your currency is undervalued, and it gives you an advantage... and yet... it still leaks out in other ways...
Nike Blows it out
Shares of Nike Rise, on cost cutting.

The cost of child labor has fallen, considerable in china.
Of course the question had to be asked.... "How did the Tiger Drama, affect Sales"...Surprise... Not much.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
No charts
If I go through sectors right now... I know what they will say... New highs.
I had to sit around through never ending dribble from the Lunch time crowd.
sentiment update
I'm working, this morning.... I can't say they are "dancing" this morning. It's hard to say, as busy as I am..
Good morning
I'm going to try not to complain, I had a very nice workout yesterday, my whole body is fatigued... Like I keep saying, Either I have to be healthy, or this shit has to give way.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
this one is classic
I'm a huge fan of the Nigerian 419 scams.
The scam victim
This is to let you know that all of you who have lost money to Scammer in Africa and Usa I let you know that there is a quick opportunity for you all mostly lottery. My name is FBI Brad Martins I assure you that I will do all I can to get it back to you in 3 days, This is A opportunity to get your money back I believe what scam means. I work for the global scam Fisher in CA 93535.we have all global scam computer to trace all Scammers name and location. Pls hurry reply back to us because we just caught a scammer now and we found the sum of 5 million dollars with him. This mean your money will be refund back to you.... my private email is scamusa@hotmail.co.uk
Ugh..... 3.0 ?????
Hi.... I don't really hate you.... it's my Personality. There are about 200 things I'd rather be doing right now, than typing away....

Here is a chart... I'm just moving the lines around.... I said this to a friend today... This is like the Video Game part of the market, Really I'm just fucking around. Nothing Aggressive, nothing Big, Just a little trade, and if it works out... There is a hundred bucks in it for me. If not....
There was a moment today
Just a note here on .... the state of the world.
Into the Twilight
Out-worn heart, in a time out-worn,
Come clear of the nets of wrong and right;
Laugh, heart, again in the grey twilight;
Sigh, heart, again in the dew of the morn.
Your mother Eire is always young,
Dew ever shining and twilight grey;
Though hope fall from you and love decay,
Burning in fires of a slanderous tongue.
Come, heart, where hill is heaped upon hill:
For there the mystical brotherhood
Of sun and moon and hollow and wood
And river and stream work out their will;
And God stands winding His lonely horn,
And time and the world are ever in flight;
And love is less kind than the grey twilight,
And hope is less dear than the dew of the morn.
William Butler Yeats 1902
As a note on the market.... Maybe the market still needs it's "Lady Chatterly Moment"
I cant take it....
The idea that I'm going to sit in my fucking chair, and watch that stupid fucking CNBC again ....
No Joy there....
I guess there is MORE FUN FUCKING CNBC watching for me tomorrow...
I think
that this is the end of the swing since monday. I also marked a possible 3 push.