Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Monday, November 12, 2007

We Reap, What We Sow.

Just a fast note.

I'm a switch hitting Bull/Bear.

Over all I'm a long term investor, but in this environments, you end up being a trader.

I try and practice a "Ninjitsu" style of investing, those who don't adapt die.

I'm a huge follower of Sun Tzu.

I've read every blog posting of "The Fly", (not that it's hard, it's more like reading a daily comic book) Knowing that information is power. The last thing I'd/I'll ever do is read the "Comments of the Multitudes". My life is too short.

In closing thoughts about his blog... BTW I'm convinced he won't quit blogging, and will be back in a month. He likes the sound of his own voice too much.

I did find it funny, but for the most part, unfortunately I was laughing at him and not with him. Even when he was laughing at himself... Still I was laughing at him. I wouldn't have him for a friend. He would be lucky if I'd acknowledge his presence.

The suspicious side of me has always figures he was just some investment bank or hedge fund Troll. Trying to sucker some idiots into some very moronic bets. IIG, MVIS....HANS. Very few investment quality stocks....

I also say his IQ is no Higher than 120-130

As an Homage to his Witty(or lack there of) Vernacular....


You won't be missed.(and I don't even say that in the good way).

I did give you the respect of acknowledging you.

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