Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thomas Friedman

Just gave the stupidest answer to a question I've heard in quite a while.

To start off with it doesn't look like he is an economist... but apparently these days.. being a pretend economist is the new black. Right Niall Ferguson?.. Creepy when you can't find a clear Degree in a Biography.

but I think he is Married to an Economist... so he has that going for him.

But I digress...

On Hardball, Chris asked him "So are we going to Double Dip?" Let me start that... Chris seems to think he is an Economist.

this was the answer:
"Well, i doubt it... But there is this 'Uncertainty'... so if we can Clear the Cloud of uncertainty. Then maybe we can have a slow recovery."

Honestly... he should get an honorary 2 handed economist degree for that answer.

I just suspect that the 'uncertainty' is just that HE DOESN'T KNOW!!!


Tony said...

Friedman on Daily Show the other night said that he was "wrong" in his vehement opinion in 2003 that the US should invade Iraq. Stewart let him off easy but did make him admit his mistake.

Friedman is the worst kind of pundit: He masquerades as an authority and his only qualification is that he has an articulate "opinion". (Which is almost always shown later to be wrong.)

Bob Woodward is one of the few responsible journalists today. (Halberstam in his day was another.) He *investigates* and *reports* and lets the reader make their own opinion.

Tony said...

How long should I keep my MJ picture? Til 850?

Eric said...

In 2003 I got into a fight with my brother, "They didn't do anything!, unless you define 'they' as SandNiggers?", oh.... sandnigger how Gulf 1 of me.... it's Haji now.

It must suck for the Times... "We keep trying to find conservative views... but they are TOO FUCKING STUPID!"

Well it's not like the MJ pic as worked so far!

of course you have created a superstition now!

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