Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Friday, December 4, 2009


santelli says rally through the new year...

art cashin says rally through new year....

of course doug Kass says spx up less than 5 handles today


Tony said...

Rally thru the year? Grasso said that 4 weeks ago... and he was right. (Damn dago.)

Eric said...

If we can get doug kass to say that it will be unanimous.

Tony said...

I was thinking Adami, but it might be December 27th by that time.

Eric said...

if the market is not above 1112

he will be bearish.

Tony said...

It is above 1112.

BTW, a lot of indices at the grail set-up here. In one of T.Lo's trading system tapes, she say that it tends to bounce along the 20-ema for a while... and here we are. Is it a bull flag? Nobody seems interested in selling, so I doubt we'll see a grail fail (yet).

Prolly just bounce here all day. I see why see checks out til 2pm.

Eric said...

On the close

Tony said...

GDX short might be the only decent grail to look at here... but it may never get to the 20-ema.

Of course, GDX-short for a long term holding is pretty good.

Tony said...

If the jobs report is believed, I would think the reflation names and banks would be weak since the next meme will be "when are they going to raise rates?"

Tony said...

Bonds are already indicating this.

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