Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Thursday, February 21, 2008


So, I get up at 2am... or earlier...

generally I get up and it's very mello for an hour or 2... I try and go back to sleep... it doesn't work, but it's nice to lay there not exhausted. About 3 or so, I finally get up, and start doing some reading, read all the news worth reading.

about 4 Squawk starts and I read and wait for my paper, Finlay the paper shows up. I do some research till the bell opens... Squeeze in breakfast...
bell goes off and I'm glued to it... maybe I take a 10 minute nap or 2 or 3 between 10-noon. usually sitting in my office chair.....

finally the closing bell goes off..... I decompress for 30 minutes... I try and tie up loose ends....

3 my time 5 eastern... I try and work out.... and about the time kudlow starts I'm done... I watch the first half of kudlow... and that is it... I can't take it any more... I just try and mello out...

Obviously it doesn't work... so I watch more national news... while reading through about 3 more news papers.....

I finally catch myself... can barely keep my eyes open... so now I'll watch documentaries till I pass out....

Repeat until Rich......

fortunately only one more day of trading....


new comer said...

Morning Eric,

Oppenheimer's Whitney warns more bank writedown if bond insurers are being downgraded. This would be a good news for bear.

Remembered last time she wrote an article in regards for Citibank need to cut its dividend due to inadequate capital ratio, it sends stock lower.

Eric said...


there is almost no resolution for the bond insureres that won't invovled more trouble for the banks.

We should see a retest, but it's just another opertunity to get some cheep stock..

I always wonder how much of it is already "cooked in"


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