Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Friday, February 22, 2008

Update on my father

So...... for those of you who want an update on my old man... He wants to be a market timer.... He has all these great ideas... "I'm going to buy novel at 4.50 and then it goes to 6, this happens every year or 2".... I say stuff like... well what if it goes to 3.... and why don't you buy a stock that isn't going to "0".... that and that it's a 25% yield over 2 years...

But.... I call him last night with my last little bit of energy.... I try not to be paranoid, but I was thinking yesterday ... and for weeks, that until there is a resolution for the bond insurers, and the "Auction Rate Securities" I suggested to him that the 1.5% additional Yield on his money markets wasn't worth the risk, over the next month...... So it Sparks off this

"Well Why?"

"they are backed by municipal bonds that could be downgraded in the next weeks, and they aren't as liquid as one would hope".

"Well I don't understand."

"Well, I honestly don't have a couple hours to explain it. I've done my due diligence.. as your free financial advisor, Do or don't take my advice. I don't care."

"Well, I think you should explain it to me."

(This is my father completely, and he doesn't' have anything to do but sit on the phone with me for 2 hours, while I explain it to him)

"Well, dad there are stories in the Journal, and on the web, it's all over, you can look it up."

"why don't I send you the info from my money markets and you can find out."

"No, that will take Hours, hours that I don't have... This could take 8 hours of my time, I'm telling you it's not worth it, not worth my time to look it up, not worth my time to argue with you. If you have the time Just look it up."
all over .o4%

and that was it.......

I have this thing about all these people who want financial advice, and other help from me. All they want is to have a free financial advisor... or what ever... then they want to argue about it.

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