Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What a great question...
"if we are lowering the cost of borrowing... "
"why is the interest rate going up"

I wish Cspan covered the hearings.... The last thing I want to hear is Steve Liesman interpret what is going on.... Can't CNBC wait until after the hearing... or does everyone just love the sound of their own voice... I mean ... I understand that CNBC is convinced that Steve is the greatest Economist-ex-economics education... in the world.... But I'm thinking there are some other people who have an effect... Maybe CNBC can get the Legislative branch of our government to give him his proper place as the "Econo-Meister" over our economy... he has some .... Ideas... I'd like to see him put them to work.... aparently he can stop the boom bust cycles in the economy.... Seems like a Great Theory...


Tony said...

"Economist-ex-economics education..."

Good call. All these years I assumed Liesman had an econ degree or MBA or something, but looking at his bio he does not! What a charlatan.

Did Kernan go to med school?

Eric said...

No... kernan is a Rocket Scientist.. Like all conservative Wanabee Trolls, they want to be 'Scientists'... without the science education... so they can neysay evolution and envirnomental science.

I had a friend once who was a bioligist, and he said "I'm conservative about everything but Environmental science and biology".... I said... don't you find it strange that you're Liberal on the one thing you are most educated about and the things that you are ignorant about you are conservative.... that may show you something.

I do like that they put dennis kneale in as "Pollyanna" and not Liesman. How a journalist tries to pass himself off as an economist... Never the twain shall Meet.

but.. the hubris when Liesman says "well most economists say 'x', now I'm in the economist camp of 'Y'.

not to .... go on a media rant... but Historically media/newspapers were only used to advance the powers that be, and were usually just used by the aristocracy to brainwash the public....

it was only the short time from the 1950-1980's when our government and the FCC required "Aired" media to provide a "public service" for some of the day.... Educational programing for children, and some time spent on news.

Well Reagan killed that in the 80's... Seems like too much truth and education was bad for the powers that be, and it had to be stopped.

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