Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

the little guy

So, I have yet to look it up, but it sounds like Legislative(Federal house and senate) branch is finally bailing out their home builders and developer buddies.

also.. as we constantly debate how there may have been a 'rumor' about Bear Stearns... after Bear Stearns tried to dump the CDO's off on their hedge funds. and how unfair a rumor was.

Also how there was blatant predatory lending, and continues to be some real predators in the mortgage industry, against consumers.

Fuck Bear and a Rumor....... It just continues to show how stacked the deck is in favor of the top echelons, against the real people who government is supposed to advocate for.

our system is absolutely "One Dollar, one Vote"..... and the Crying about this unfair "rumor" ...

this is the Moral Hazard, when you ask what the problem is in the financial industry. it is that we Bail these idiots out like they are little kids, and therefore they behave like them.

I don't think people should be bailed out, We need a financial system that no-one is "too big to fail" or too interconnected to fail. Certainly there is systemic risk. it has to be protected. But it's the depositors that have to be protected.

piss on the School teacher who purchased a million dollar home with the idea that it was an investment.

I keep wondering if the Federal government, in a real way should create a buffet like investment firm to pick up the morgages at 20-30 cents on the dollar. which is a broad bail out of the problem, with big upside for the state. Government has longer time frame than most investors, and can pull off these kinds of bailouts.... which put the banks and investors over the fencepost.

My overall frustration, is that as a trader. I know the risk. and I know I'm not going to be bailed out... I don't get why everyone gets bailed out ... Except the little guys... and you know that they will be the last ones delt with in this crisis.


that is the pecking order....

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