Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Monday, March 2, 2009

revisionist nonsense

Santelli was arguing that he never said that letting lehman go was a mistake.

his senate bid has gone out of control, and that illusion has gone to his head. even last week he was agreeing that he thought it was a mistake.

Art is on the floor saying, how much of a mistake it was. Kudlow is full of so much cognitive dissonance that he completely missed what art said.

I want to go back to my model of the stages of grief.... let us say that we may be past anger.

the only real question is when will it bounce in that model... we sellers be exhausted at depression stage or at acceptance.


Tony said...

My email to TK:

"For the record, these companies' earnings are poor and their balance sheets are a mess. Mr. O-bomb-A did not run those businesses into the ground. It is those companies that are in shambles and asking for the govt to bail them out. At least put the blame where it belongs."

Making money in AUY today... I know how much you hate gold stocks. Also looking to bottom tick MS.

Eric said...

Nor did he leverage them up like cack whores.

you know that is what private equity has been doing for 5 years is, liqudating and rolling companies over into the short term debt market.

those companies will be gone.

I like to try and put the finger on 20 years of friedman nonsense... even he said "there is no such thing as a free lunch"

have I hit my rant about how the "Boom" in the economy has been stealth inflation and leverage....

damn... I'm hearing anger again...

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