Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Legal Compliance is voluntary.

So... I was looking at documentaries... ran across the landmine of Documentaries... and no not the Libertarian, black helicopter documentaries... Cause I love those. almost as much as zombie Pictures....

but... I run into some Kent Hovind Evolution debates, I Wrack my brain trying to remember who this nutjob is, and if I've seen them. so I Wiki him, and realize I had... In fact these debates are why I refuse to watch the Creationism vs natural selection debates. Not only are the arguments so bad that a High Schooler could shoot them down. But they are Super long and Booring.

I read that they threw him in jail for Tax Evasion... Not only that but he is one of those "Tax Avoidance guys." Which is one step above a "Tax Protesters".

Tax Protesters refuse to comply until Compelled.

As opposed to the Tax Avoidance people who don't get that when the Tax Code Says "Voluntary Compliance"... Voluntary Refers to Compliance, and not to the Tax. Taxes are Compulsory, But you Offer up your money every year... Ergo Voluntarily Comply. It's like voluntarily surrendering yourself where there is a Warrant for your Arrest. You choose to Surrender... Or voluntarily Surrender, It's either that or they will keep after you.

What a bunch of dim bulbs. BTW My dimwhit Brother who because of 4.50 gas and peak oil purchased a motorcycle... Which is cool, but it broke his heart when I told him the next stop for gas was sub $3.00, and worse it could go to $2.00. I'm not sure if he Sold his big fat Dodge Pickup V12... But probably at a loss.

Which sends me into 40 minutes of Laughing about how these assholes think I should provide roads for them to drive on, and police and fireman to keep their shit safe.

They will let you have a car that drives over 75MPH, and you voluntarily comply with the law, but if you are caught Not voluntarily complying, they throw your ass in Jail.

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