Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Contrary indicator

I eat healthy foods mostly, and some stuff I can only get at the local healthfood/bulkfood storage place...

So, many shelves are empty.

I ask the owner, " Wow, I've never seen the shelves so empty."

Owner," Yep, people are freaked out.(and I swear he rolled his eyes)"

Me, "any idea when we will get my honey back in."

"ya, it will probably take a few weeks."


tradewell said...

We bought some non-perishable stuff, too, mostly because I know we hadn't seen all of the commodity price increases go through to the store shelves yet. But since we eat 70% raw/fresh it's difficult to stock up.

It's interesting that you asked about honey :) Maybe people are worried about bees disappearing, not about economic problems.

Eric said...

Not to validate "end of the world" scenerios. I do have some non perishable food storage

Funny thing is I use it all the time, Backpacking.

And I picked up and stored a ton of wheat well over a year ago, cause I knew it was going to go crazy.

Problem the bees have is there arn't enough fields, full of flowers and crops... Just subprime homes.

I'm more worried about some idiot at the power station, with a lose Wrench.

It's good to eat raw/fresh...

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