Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


... I hate to say it. I've been out of touch Since last week. With my HamThrax((H1N1)h/t... to my 'EX-'). Which Yes, thanks for asking. I am feeling better. It hasn't been all that bad, and because I can lay in bed as much as I'd like, and have cupboards full of fruit and Soup.

Sot the Dow is down 30... and the SPX down 10... I need to find out what is it in the dow that is keeping it stronger... but it's a good indicator that Breadth sucks when the dow is stronger than the SPX...

The danger here is that I've been watching movies instead of watching the usual suspects on CNBC, But I just tuned in.
"We don't even have a correction here"
"Maybe some Profit taking"(not only is this that standard "profit taking" but it is being marginalized "Maybe" profit taking.)
"higher at the end of the year"

I haven't watched Fastmoney, and I also haven't checked out what rick said about the bond market yesterday. I bet both would be interesting.

The reason I had to tune in was because... I mean... SHIT we were down 10 after 4 days of selling... You would think they would be scared. But nope... they seem complacent.

but the 50 EMA is near, One would think it would be worth a fast flag....

Sounds like a Clean Top to me....

So... Back to "Star Trek"... seems like there are a ton of summer movies that I skipped. Apparently Spock is skrewing Uhura, Bones is ... well he has his bad moments, and of course there is some kind of Quantum time abnormality.


Tony said...

KFT, MCD, IBM, WMT all up today. VZ up big.

Hope your feeling better and hope you got short a couple days ago. Vix up nicely today, so complacency might be turning into concern, which will turn into panic by next week.

GS said GDP tomorrow will be worse than expected... hmmmm, how they know?

Uhura is a babe in that latest movie. While I'm not a huge Startrek fan, I did see that movie... mutha.

Eric said...

my guess is we just started our 50 ema bounce.. possible fast flag.

There was a piece on how earnings wispers said that though most stocks beat, problem was 60+% didn't beat the wisper.

gdp probably won't beat the wisper

Eric said...

I saw "Year One" which I think you would like.

Not sure if you are familier about how obsessive I can be... I'll probably spend this week watching all the movies I missed for the past year or 2.

Terminator 8 hear I come.

I saw a movie about sharks last night, how all the Chinese are getting the Coastaricans and people of the Galapagos to over fish them for shark fin soup... cause they think it cures cancer and gets your dick hard.
I don't mean to defend the pharma industry... but haven't they heard about viagra.

Tony said...

What are your criteria for a failed Holy Grail? SPY at the 20-ema on the 5-min which would qualify as a short entry here. I see some support at the daily 50-ma which gives me pause... on the other hand, if that fails, it's good-night-Irene.

Odds are in favor of a bounce on the 50-d MA, but the reward/risk might say to add some short. maybe I'm over thinking it.

Chinese are too poor to buy viagra, and it's a tradition to eat shark soup before going out banging hookers. Like Buffalo wings at a football game. Ahhhh, the wonders of the limbic system.

Eric said...

how to play it is to see it come up for the Grail sale, like you propose, see it come down then start stalk the pull back. you buy it before it makes a new high at the Holy grail point...

see they have all their stops above the Grail, and you have to get in before the stops start getting hit.

and you basically ride it through the momentum

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