Dan Chung of Fred Alger Management thinks more upside earnings surprises will help bring sidelined cash back into the market.
Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.
J. P. Morgan
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Some sentiment
I'm trying to show some of the more "Neutral" perspective out there. that the Bearishness is not actually there.
YUCK!The indices lost 2 ½%+ of their value on Friday.The S&P has now given up nearly 2 months worth of gains.This action keeps the Bowtie moving averages rolling over (email me if you need the Bowtie Pattern). This is especially true in the Russell 2000 (RUT-X or IWM). Plot it if you get chance this weekend (or watch yesterday' s chart show) and you'll see what I mean.Be careful out there. I'm going to study things more this weekend and will likely have more to say on Monday.From my analysis so far, it looks like we should continue to keep an eye out for possible shorts.And, as usual, continue to honor stops on existing longs.
The day before there was some optimism from this person.
Armageddon is at hand
See I say that, and the contrarian is looking for a bounce.
What's more, economists are not traders or stock strategists. As a result, their perspectives on the economy are not meant to be market-timing devices for investors, says Carmine Grigoli, a self-described bull and chief investment strategist at Mizuho Securities USA. Grigoli argues that the bears may be proved right, but the question is, how long will it take for their views to come true?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pushing the range
We are very much pushing the range today... I have to point out that the bollinger band on the vix is just ahead of us.... It's a huge move in the Vix....
Sentiment sucks here.... but the thing is the vix and the uup want to go "Wave 3" in an uptrend. and that means the market downtrend wants to go "Wave 3".
Hedge the flag
Besides the issue with us having a Non Flag Flag(meaning a pullback from here, which is more Wunderbar than flag.)
SO... I messed up the 3 domes and the house of jebus/Holy hangrenade post... The Python skit was supposed to be there. So if you didn't see it.... it's funny.....

I keep seeing people posting about the Post 1929 market, which had an oversold bounce then started diving again.
Morning bell
Did they replace Erin with Melissa Lee......
Umn... Quantifiable edges pointed out that the McClellan Oscillator went all the way out to -381.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
3 Domes and The House of Jebus!

Frontruning month end
Everybody is chasing a Month end markup. I'd be nervous of a failure, since "Everyone is on it" and tomorrow is the Last day. Expectations are for it to go through the friday close, Which It may do. But let us also remember that, most the 401K money is moving into bonds and not stocks. Though with Dow 10K, a few people may have switched their allocations around.
What have we here
No chart of the market. I am surprised we didn't gap down this morning. Certainly Panic is not in. After 2 10% moves in the Vix, some retracement was certainly in order. I wanted to point out both in vix and the dollar, than the tenancy is to move above resistance levels then pull back below them before moving Higher. We will see, but I'm also not sure how it affects a Vic2B.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Terranova-"2010 they are going to have a 6% yield on the 10Year."
All Eyes
SO..... "The are all Talking about the uptrend"... and they want to find a bounce (a couple days)
Grail Fail
So... we hit the 20, and sort of the 15-20(lt blue), If you call that a Grail, and are looking for the Fail.
Why oh Why!!!
As I sit here, I wonder... Why is it that I dislike Melissa Lee so much.... is it just the Tone of her voice?
... I hate to say it. I've been out of touch Since last week. With my HamThrax((H1N1)h/t... to my 'EX-'). Which Yes, thanks for asking. I am feeling better. It hasn't been all that bad, and because I can lay in bed as much as I'd like, and have cupboards full of fruit and Soup.
QE slope of hope
On monday they posted something about "Close on low" bounce within 3 days.
A chart
I was ... There is some resistance in here. the 50 and some trend lines.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Athletes and drugs
I was witness to another debate on drugs and Athletes.
Roller Coaster
bla bla bla....
Friday, October 23, 2009
Compensation debate
just a quick rant.
1. | next to the last: the penultimate scene of the play. |
2. | of or pertaining to a penult. |
I want to lay in bed and do nothing today... yet here I sit!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
earnings and employment
If you don't realize, what companies are doing is if they can't expand revenue, they fire people to make the numbers.
Still not out of the woods...
greater fool
Please please please... they say..... There has to be a greater fool out there.... there just has to be!!!!!
Lets start the Hope or puke!!!!
Breakout!!!! OMG... it's coming back on me!!!! Please Please Please..... Keep going up.... if you just keep going up.... I swear... I'll never trade again!!!!! I've tried to be a good person..... I don't deserve this!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
not sure
if I said it to the blog or in comments or an email
I Just told tony something important

the wedge
not saying we are going to the moon... but art cashin was talking the wedge today.
Gunning for the highs
I was laying in bed... and missed the latest irrational move in the market...
Another new test in the lows of the dollar
Weeeeeeee. I'm with tony on this nazdaq thing....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Some notes today...
or snarks.
The 60 20ema is not a buy btw which may not stop them... See if it wants to struggle with the 15. because it and the 5 are a sellNice bounce out of the Peso
back to the trendline... see if the market can make a bump and go.
Some morning stuff
Seems unanimous
Monday, October 19, 2009
there is at least another decent call I made... not sure if the 15 20 dma is going to hold.
Tony asked about the TLT... I said ... If I knew what the fuck was going on with treasuries I'd know what was going on with gold and the market too...
2/3 rds of the votes in the afghan election "in question" or invalid
"People are disappointed, really disappointed," said Afghan political analyst Abdulhadi Hairan. "It will be hard for them to trust the next government."
I guess the point is
I found something to short... and if I'm wrong... I'll get blown out of that Too.
I think it's just going to run till the close..... Let me restate that "I Feel" like it's going to run till the close.