Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fast money again

I caught the late showing of fast money... another 10 minutes. So... I'm a fan of them being traded OTC, But here is the plan....

they want to buy derivatives of them. Calls and puts..... God I hate wallstreet.... derivatives of derivatives of derivatives..... I want a derivative of the derivative market.... I want a 'put' on the destruction of humanity based on derivatives.

The first law of engineering is "KEEP IT SIMPLE".... Like I keep pointing out Wall street is the bottom fish intellectually, They know little about history, little about economics, Little about philosophy. Little about markets.

The derivatives market is a Kludge, at one point it has to collapse....

all I want out of that market is for buyers and legitimate sellers to come together. in a transparent way.... and I don't care much about MBS.... what I do care about is those fucking default swaps.... and other than that... I want to see swaps linked to a bond.....

This is all just Asshatery. All the douchbags on fast money working each other into a narcissistic Mind Fuck Group think... We are going to save the earth by building a new derivative otc market...

Kind of reminds me of the Douchbags who thought they were going to save the world with MBS.

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