Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What I see as a Misnomers, and false assumptions in the healthcare debate

To start off with, anyone with a visit to an operating room ends up with a Bill, Regardless of your coverage. The insurance company just sends you one and hopes you will pay it. Then, if you do want them to live up to giving you what you paid for, it takes 6 months of stonewalling and about 300 hours of your time.

Fucking Pricks in the insurance industry have that solid business plan, Take money from consumer Don't give consumer what they paid for.

So.... to go on, The argument that "You don't want someone between you and your doctor"... I hate to tell you this but an insurance agent is worst than a Bureaucrat. So when the Asshats talke about this, they are being disingenuous.

This Washington post guy is taking it to Art Laffer.

Now... The idea that you are going to go and get "Extra Services" because it is free... I hate to say this, but the last thing I want is to go get a Colonoscopy. or take 6 hours out of my life and get an X-Ray. I'd have to be just about forced to go get a Physical. I guess there are Hypochondriacs out there who want to spend an entire day getting an MRI. But it seems like maybe they do have a problem, and maybe the Hypochondriac could get some help.... "yes sir, there is something Wrong with you... You are a Hypochondriac, and we have some Medication."

Now I will agree that there is a problem with the Drug Companies. With national Health Care, they will be All about, trying to get you High or Fucked up on Whatever that Drug is that Hot chick with the friends at the bar in that Commercial. is trying to get me to take.... What is that stuff, some kind of Vaginal Reflexive disorder, which also helps skin Blemishes.

I just don't see people going in to get un-needed Stitches. It is mind blowing to me.. that somehow people have a thesis that "you want to go to the Hospital."

I just ... just me talking, but I don't want to see a doctor, or be in a hospital..... I don't know about you!!!


Tony said...

Agree. There is a (tiny) subsection of the population that are doctor-groupies and hypochondriacs... but..

...the largest over-users of the health care dollar, far and away, are doctors themselves. Trust me, I see it every day.

There are no economic incentives for doctors to restrain spending, and I'm not sure how you put those into the system. But I do know that putting market incentives onto patients is not going to work: you'll just disincentivise patients from seeking care, and they almost never have the proper judgement on that issue.

Medicare is onto something with DRG's (diagnosis related groups) where they allow a fixed amoutn of reimbursement to hospitals for a particular diagnosis. For example, "Community-acquired pneumonia" = $2300 per hospital admission. If they are efficient and treat it for $1900, then they keep the extra money. If they are inefficient, then they lose money on the admission.

Eric said...

I tend to not be like most people, I've argued with the doc a few times.

I told a surgeon, he was stupid once.

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