Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Protester Brings gun to town hall

Here is my comment, I've spent quite some time on our forefathers... and the idea of Republic-Republicanism... the arguments about what it is and what it should be were the same in 1776 as they are in 2009. There are the arguments on every side, and the aristocrats over the "Redistribtionists" which they called "Levelers" back then. For the most part the American Revolution was a Fight against Autocrats and dictators.

Realize Republicanisum and Rule by elected members of the Republic was a very new and Liberal idea back then.... It's the first step toward democracy.

one could suggest that there was one faction that wanted rule by elected aristocrats, as opposed to rule by an Autocrat. And that was what they were fighting for in the revolution, then you have those that were looking for single voter representation.... and Ever since... the debate continues.

Town Hall disruptions continue.

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This is what I have on this, It kills me... there was an election and there will be another in 2 then 4 years. I know they are angry, and I was pissed in 2000. But I accepted the democratic/or no democratic outcome, Sucked it up and Waited. I knew that they would run things into the ground... Then we would have blow back... if the Libertarians are right... then there will be a mess and the Libertarians can take over the country in 4 years.

why do you have to Yell and think "Blood Of Tyrants" ... he has been in office for 7 months... if he is in office for 12 years maybe we can start the Tyrant MEME.

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