Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rate of change on the SPY

Here is your Scatter Graph
See it?
lets add some lines for the Impaired.
I even added a 3 and 5 dma.
Admittedly the Friday move has the rate of change in a steady .4 ish move up over the past 5 day period.
But here is the money.
This is a Statistical Forecast/Model of the SPY.
It's impossible to forecast the massive swings, but if you look at the 5dma vs the 5dma of the actul it's close... of course Like I said Friday was very outside the model but it's close I'd expect the market to Mean Revert and look more like the model over the next 3 days.
The model if you notice "Forecasts" out 6 days ahead. If you notice the Actual market data stops on friday and the forecast moves out 6 days....
Don't ask me why I for casted it out 6 days.
And ... Since you aren't a moron, you know that the further out in time you forecast, the more errors you get.
If you want the numbers
The forecast for monday is a +.03 and the 5dma of the forcast is +.04
Now the actual 5dma of the Rate of change is +.48

Hmmm well I bet we could also run the Marin of error.
But excuse me if I use the 5dma for that.

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