Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ok... where are we

Well over the weekend I did see quite a few stories about a "Pull back". I'm curious where I saw them... it would be interesting if I had paid enough attention to where they came from... Ya.. one of them is Vince Farrel, and there is a story on the front page of CNBC....

and sunday Roubini was talking downside risk.
Proly just Pissed about the CNBCers talking about him making the market go up.

so that has me Cautious. There also isnt a clean MACD divergence etc....

I do have all those other Personal indicators talked about last week that are solidly bullish.

I also have another, someone who has been bearish till that Inverted Head and shoulders popped up... and is now saying ... Well... short term pull back but ... we are going to the moon. Posted like a 1200 target.... BoooYaaaa SKidady.... I guess.

I'd spend time going over why "Technically" I don't buy the Inverted Head and shoulders. and why some of the B.S. Quant stuff is awful T.A.

But I suspect a very smart person I know... may think there is ONE MORE PUSH...

I've been Humping over charts since I got home at 9pm and it's now 1am. Last I checked Futures were +2 or +.7 with a fair value of like 2.... It's hard to say... I also saw some that said +4... I didn't check the CBOT... cause then I have to bust out the close and look at the .... and there is math.... and I've been looking at charts for 4 hours.. but CNBC says +.4

Let us also add that the guy who picked the 666 bottom says there is another move down in the Peso AKA US Dollar....

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