Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

N.Korea and rise of the blog troll

Tony has a solid rant about North Korea, I Just think N.Korea wants a piece of the bail out Pie. Tactically we should figure out how to get China to give it to them.

On the morning shows, My new favorite .... Talking head... was on, Ariana Huffington ... My only comment is ... "My My... how far the blog Troll has come in the popular culture."


Tony said...

You truly are the expert game theorist... I never considered that Lil Kim was pining for some bailout cash! Could be.

I saw Arianna this morning too. What next the Rude Pundit* hosting SNL?


(Note: If you have never read Rude,I would suggest putting him on your RSS, he's very good-- but also v-e-e-e-r-r-y rude.)

Eric said...

I added rude pundit, I'm such a Douche, I find little time for Humor.... LOL... Unless it's at other's expense.

That is an old game from North Korea, They have been playing that since 1990 at least.

There is also the possibility that it's like much of what has been going on. It's like the Bully(U.S.), is starting to look weak so some of the people we have beat on the most(Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, N.Korea, talaban) decide to push back a little, see how weak we are. Of course the rest of the world is all "oh! our economy and government is on the Virge? oh that hasn't happened for 10 years or so... what else is new.

For all our talk about eastern Europe... How many times have they collapsed since the wall fell? 5 or 6 times?

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