Congressman Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.) wants ordinary Americans to be able to invest in the $1 trillion recovery plan touted by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.
�I believe that average Americans of modest means should also be allowed to buy shares or have some means of buying into the program. By making this adjustment, you would be addressing concerns that this latest Administration program too much resembles a rigged game for a select few insiders.
A few days ago, private money manager Ray Dalio, in a note to investors, also warned against the way the plan lets a few insiders � just five managers � benefit regardless of outcome.
That and america is investing in this program, and if it makes money it means our taxes are lower.... and of course if we increased "our investment" every Yahoo in the country would keep yaping about how we are getting skrewed or whatever MEME every yahoo would randomly come up with.
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