Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Friday, February 27, 2009


it's friday... I just can't go into trending Tick ratios.

one would like to think that we are in a consolidation period during the day.

UGH!! so the permaBears wanted the tier 1 to be moved to TCE... Pandit being a puss did it.

Now Kudlow say that it's the government that wants the tier 1 to be moved to TCE..

like the tail wagging the dog

LET US POINT OUT HOW STUPID THIS IS... they moved money from column 1 to column 2...

YIPEE they are saved...... WTF is going on!!!

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