Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dick the joke Bove

WTF is up with people.

Dick Bottom caller Bove, Called the bottom in banks now 4 times this cycle. How can you be wrong 3 times, and somehow be listened to... I can't believe CNBC let's any of these bottom callers on any more.... I can flip a coin and be "Less Wrong".... That is always my Measure, It's like our president.. I can make better decisions with a coin, than that guy makes on a daily basis.

Don't you think that should be the litmus test, If you Call a Bottom In anything, You don't get to come on anymore, and Spew your bullshit. If you are Wrong......

Vince(Vincent) Farrell.
Bob Doll of blackrock.

I'm always... My concern is always that First... People out there, retired people who aren't smart enough to realize that CNBC commentators aren't financial advisers, nor are they even competent to talk about the market... with a few exceptions, and to be honest it's negligent, and irresponsible to allow what goes on on that channel.
Second, even as journalists, they are barely competent to keep the old "pump and dump" from being the Constant CNBC mantra.

The other charming thing.... It's interesting that "Cramer" gets a disclaimer... when honestly, the entire station needs a disclaimer every hour for .... everyone.

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