Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cash out and go to Bermuda....

this is one of those moments where I just want to Make this shit stop...

My desire to fuck around with it is on the wain.....

Sound like aversion?

but you know... seems like a near term top.... in the making...

cause that is how I feel...


Tony said...

Sound like aversion?

Only if you turn the chart upside down! And I'm not drinking (yet)-- the White Sox game doesn't start until 2pm).

Eric said...

call it developing aversion

Tony said...

At some point the shorts pewke up everything. Bond auction was in-line, so TLT is up and this is bringing strength to the SPY and XLF, all 1% or more above vwaps.

Tony said...

91.96 was the third push of a 1-2-3, so now we can pb here, IMO...
but vwap will be strong support.

Eric said...

The crap I just ate....

the market is going to have one hell of a time trending...

Eric said...

oh... and fuck you and your 3 push...


good call...

not to be a dick... but I was all "3 push after we went past the second..."

Tony said...

Blind squirrel...

Looking at VXX from T.Lo's podcast...

Eric said...

just buy some calls...

$1 in time premium

all you need is the market to do something from now through Aug...

or buy the july's...

if we leg down.. in the next 2 weeks.

it will be worth $10 easy...

What does Blue Horse shoe love?- Blog search of "BHL"

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