Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Market Rorschach

Santelli was talking Rorschach today. And the Great Economist/jornalist Hughy was like... "What?". ... I mean.. he is a Social Scientist....

We see the world through the Rose Color of our perception. We Want something to be real, and we convince ourselves that they are that way. We want to be Right, and will distort the world to convince us that we are.... Bob is Persecuting me, because he hates fat people. Susan Won't date me because she is a Snob. It's not that, Bob is trying to help me be better at my job. Or that Susan, doesn't like me because, I'm an unhealthy Slob..... (couldn't Be.)

I was in a discussion of how, People arn't "Real" because they are Posers. I Retorted, that Posing Was Reality. Not accepting that People's Perceptions, are "Their Reality". Denying that, Isn't Reality. People are superficial, judgmental, arbitrary, emotional..... Meat Bags...... And denying that ....... Isn't reality.

It's 2 Boxers Fighting.
2 kids playing Patty Cake.
a rocket ship Flying into space


Tony said...

Looks like Kudlow and Dick Bove praying for the market bottom.

Your discussion could be an excerpt from Taleb's book The Black Swan. Our existence is littered with various biases that distract us from really seeing what's happening. We create a narrative to explain our observations in a seemingly rational way, but more often than not the narrative is either inaccurate or unprovable, ie, not falsifiable.

"The market went up because... [fill in the blank]..."

A fool's game.

Eric said...

Like Jesus exists, because I didn't die last week?

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