Financial history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. You can't be stupid enough to trade off anything I say.... I'm lucky they let me out of the straight-jacket long enough to trade.

J. P. Morgan

"Sell down to your sleeping point"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So..... 95... or so

the 200dma is up there.... 95.. or so... Part of a larger pattern.
this is of course Courtesy Teresa Lo.... I also thank every day, that I have someone backing me up ..... Especially in such a Worrisome Market!

as Marcus Aurelius says:
From my great-grandfather, not to have frequented public schools, and to have had good teachers at home, and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally
SO... A nice 3 push pattern here... moving us into 93-95 or so... then maybe we can get our correction.


Tony said...

You're likely on to something with the 3 push.

Three questions:

How many people are looking at that 200d MA?

What would be a diabolical market do?

Will all the bears become bulls when SPY hits the 200d MA?

Tony said...

Fourth question:
Do the fib retracements on the 65 minute chart tell us we need another 38% or 50% retracement from May 1st low to May 4th high before we go higher?

Eric said...

Today felt heavy...

and what you are missing, is that we retested 900 twice...

so it's easy, if she makes a new high... short it. if the morning bounce looks weak, take it before it retests 900 that third time... but the bulls will defend 900... at least for a small bounce..

So... you have your game plan... but look for some sector weakness..

Eric said...

futures are down 10

Eric said...

right.. but tops come before we expect it...

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